On the Periphery

Things change. Life throws us curves and changeups. It's good to have a place to vent.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Okay, time for my rant about the three top stories of the past couple of weeks:

1) Sarah Palin, please, get a job and stop bothering us. Why is the media covering this woman’s whining? You don’t hear Obama complaining about “Family Guy” or “Saturday Night Live” jokes—he has more important things to do.
2) Plushenko—Grow up. You lost. Deal with it. Your program wasn’t that great—all you had was the quad. Lysacek had the grace, the style, and the joy. That's why he got the medal.
3) Tiger—Apologize to Elin and move forward. You don’t owe anyone else anything. And stop trying to explain to the world. For God's sake, man, grow a pair and deal with your own problems in private!

Okay, I’m done. Thanks for letting me rant. Now if only the media would let me forget about these three!

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Tuesday, February 02, 2010

A while back, the medical community sent out the call that the MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) vaccine that children received could actually be the cause of some cases of autism. Panic reigned throughout, and many parents opted, on the basis of that study, to refrain from immunizing their children. Now, we are told, “Oops, my bad”—that this is actually not the case. Oops indeed. Many children went without that preventative.

But there is a larger issue at hand from this debacle—trust. Who do we believe? Personally, my first thought upon hearing the retraction was: “I bet the pharmacies that made the vaccine got after the doctors to make that statement.” I still don’t know whether to believe the first study or the second. My kids got the MMR, and they grew up just fine.

The crux here is that we have become, through experience, a cynical society, willing to accept that our doctors, our lawyers, our businessmen, our politicians, all have ulterior motives for everything, with those motives usually hinging on money. Unfortunately, that fact has been proven so often, driven home with a sledge hammer, that we accept deception as the way of the world.


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