On the Periphery

Things change. Life throws us curves and changeups. It's good to have a place to vent.

Saturday, September 03, 2011

I normally shy away from politics, but the recent situation in Washington has caused me great anxiety, and more, embarrassment. With all the backbiting and infighting between Democrats and Republicans (all branches) more befitting a tacky reality show than a governing body, our rulers appear as simply rival gangs engaged in a turf war, and the results could be devastating. The most recent and, I think, most alarming, example is the upcoming presidential speech on employment. We all know that we are in a dire situation, and the President has announced he will present a major plan to get us out of this fix. However, his speech was scheduled for the same day the Republicans were holding an election debate. They whined, and THE PRESIDENT BACKED DOWN, changing the date of his speech. By doing that, he appeared weak, giving the impression that their debate was more important than his speech, and so lost much of his presidential power. Wrong move. Mr. President, we need a leader—a Michael Douglas to stand at the presidential podium and declare with steely gaze, “I AM the President.” Conciliation is no longer effective. We have become a fragmented nation of perplexed sheep. Please, Sir, take command and lead us.

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